
Singers of Street Children

Road is a bustling place filled with vehicles. There are many vehicles on the roads as private cars and buses. In a country in Asia, the streets crowded with many vehicles and the sound of street children. What did these children? These children are street singers. Children should be playing at home and school, but the singers these street children work to earn money on the street. These kids sing beside the car window when a red light or when the car stops. There is also a street singer who sings in a residential area. They do this just to buy a plate of rice. They become street singers also to help parents. Parents who are poor they can not provide school education to singers these street children. So these kids ventured onto the highway and around looking for money to buy food and other necessities.
One song they were singing will get 1 cent of money on one car. But there are also car drivers who do not want to pay and drive singers these street children. These children can only shed tears in his heart. The children are aged under 12 years old. In the small hearts of these children, they lost in thought and fantasized want to learn in school. Will we help them?
One touch of our assistance will ease the burden of these children and be able to provide education to them. Donate your money to the singer of street children. You just donate your money at least 1 dollar to the Children League through paypal. And on April 5th, we will deliver your donation to children in need as the singer of street children. The funds you give will we post on April 5th and we will put pictures of children who receive your funds. One touch of a minimum of 1 dollar will make these children smile and give a more meaningful life. Let us together help them. Your trust is good for these children. Please if you want to donate through paypal. Thank you and God will make you happy forever. God bless you.

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